What is a Christian Writer?

By Chaplain Eddie Burchfield

A Christian is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ –

One who has been forgiven of their sin and strife;

The Bible is their roadmap

They believe every word is true –

They love God and their neighbor as themselves 

This is called “The Golden Rule”; 

A writer is one who puts their thoughts to the task 

Who desire to inspire, to encourage, or bless –

That in the sharing of their hearts 

They may encourage someone to believe and confess; 

Not everybody is a Christian 

Not everybody is a writer –

But when one is both 

That one becomes a “Spiritual Exciter”;

There are writers that write 

Of all manner of things –

Some make you cry, and some make you sing;

A Christian writer is defined as this –

A writer that helps another fall in love with Christ 

So Heaven will be a place they will not miss.

Read more poetry by Chaplain Eddie in Words That Rhyme Worth Your Time

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